


The course concentrates on the recently emerged field, ‘soundscape’. The main components, integrating built environment and architecture, space, spatial perception, experience, and basics of sound analysis are covered in detail. In addition, methodological aspects on soundscape studies are discussed within the framework of this graduate course. The course is designed through integrating several different readings and a variety of evaluations on these texts to fulfill the requirements of a graduate level study and research.



The mastery learning and developmental practicing through given tasks in relation with the soundscape topic are designed as below;


Mastery learning through;

  • Define a learned knowledge with one’s own words (Cognitive Process Dimension-1)1

  • Summarize information in the shortest and most thorough way (CPD- 2) 1

  • Classify through the analysis of other examples (CPD-3) 1

Developmental practice through;

  • Select related articles on the soundscape topic from the literature (CPD-1) 1

  • Explain aim and methodological aspects of given article (CPD-2) 1

  • Identify factors and outcomes of given article (CPD-3) 1



  • Principles of sound and room acoustics

  • Human hearing mechanisms and sound perception

  • Architectural analysis and classification from soundscape perspective

  • The basic concepts regarding soundscape and its components (1) built environment, (2) sound environment, (3) contextual experience

  • Achieving skills on four cognitive process dimensions of learning; knowledge (CPD-1), understanding (CPD-2), and application (CPD-3) through the soundscape framework and studies, applicable to other academic areas.



    The course is conducted through interactive learning bases. Orientation is more research-based than teaching-based. Students are expected to accomplish 6 tasks progressively following the cognitive processing dimensions1. Reading and research is the main tasks throughout the course. Presentations including visual and audio media take part in each course to convey basic knowledge on soundscape research. Open discussions play important part during a course hours.




    *Attendance to at least %70 of the courses is mandatory!



  • Assignments (6)                     35%

  • Midterm Evaluation                 25%

  • Final Assignment                    30%

  • Discussion / Participation       10%